Day 25 – 2011
I know I told the greatgothninja I was going to do a tribute to Steve Jobs, I’ll do that tomorrow, but for now I got side tracked by Dredd again!
Day 21 – 2011
Sorry chaps, it’s been more of the web stuff today, and what a headache it is! WordPress in two languages (I only know English myself) and getting all the pages to work… again its Sea Sotra
Day 15 – 2011
Ah! Just caught up with the Doctors exploits from the weekend – missed due to a late starting game of hockey!
Day 11 – 2011
So here is Dredd inked up. I took my time, but I still feel that it is rushed. More practice with the inks me thinks!!
Day 9 – 2011
Gone a bit random today! More in the way of just letting various subconscious images surface,
Day 8 – 2011
Here’s a request from Endaf! He wanted magpies in the yin and yang symbol – I’m just not quite sure if it works!
Day 7 – 2011
Mutter! I’ve spent most of today building a new CentOS 6 VPS for our PBX server as it is running a version of asterisk from the dark ages. As I was doing that, this popped into my head!
Day 5 – 2011
This is Lily from Nate Piekos’ Realm of Atland. It’s fantastic web comic I have been reading for a couple of years. I have to say that the curves almost defeated me on this, the were a number of false starts before I was vaguely happy! Hi-ho until tomorrow folks!
Day 4 – 2011
Yup, that just about sums it all up… add another horribly early morning tomorrow – I can’t wait for the weekend!
Day 2 – 2011
Well here we go! Day 2 successful! I give you “The Insane Asylum”. Those who know, know! Those who don’t are probably best off not knowing.
Day 1 – 2011
And so it begins! I must be mad – why did I suggest this to @GreatGothNinja? Anyway – Day 1 of 100! At least I started!