Day 65 – 2014
Started watching a new hope on starwars day – came up with this, but forgot the wall! I may revisit this – I may not – depends on enthusiasm levels!
Day 64 – 2014
The DemonPenguins creative space has been relocated back to where it was, pictures will follow when I can be bothered to take them At the moment appathy rulez!

Day 63 – 2014
Setup a new fire wall on an old PC I had around! Seems to be working well do far. Using PFSense – takes a while and makes a difference if you read the instructions! All up and running so far – next is to get the VPN up and running.

Day 59 – 2014
Big day! Cutting, cutting and more cutting and then laying!

Day 58 – 2014
Had to add a new slab to this section – the one with the dolly on – needed to move the big plant pot first though!

Day 57 – 2014
Last little section at that end done, and a firm landing spot at the bottom of the stairs!

Day 55 – 2014
And that another section done! One small easy one at the bottom of the steps followed by complications further down the line 🙁

Day 52 – 2014
See what I mean – slowing down – can’t seem to do as much in a day as I could when I started!

Day 51 – 2014
This is starting to get really painful, and slowing down as well – age is what I put it down to!

Day 49 – 2014
Mmmmmmm! Home made hot cross buns! Picture will be up when I find it!

Day 45 – 2014
Trying my hand at a bit of portrait photography! This is the best of them.